+61 7 3899 9155 oxford@naturopathics.com.au

Posts by Peter Kahler

Is your water safe?

Is your water safe?

EMERGENCY! Did you all see the news yesterday? Our water is highly contaminated with lead Australia wide – well over...

Eating Organic Reduces Cancer by 25%

Eating Organic Reduces Cancer by 25%

A rесеnt ѕtudу рublіѕhеd in JAMA Internal Mеdісіnе found thаt реорlе whо соnѕumе оrgаnіс fооd have a 25% lower rіѕk оf саnсеr. Frеnсh...

Why do we get Disease?

Why do we get Disease?

Are you going to be the healthy or sick 50%?? Sobering thought isn’t it!? Why do we get disease? It’s...

Are your Vitamin D Levels Adequate?

Are your Vitamin D Levels Adequate?

DO you know what your current level of Vitamin D is? If you are taking Vitamin D already – do...

Pre and Post Birth Immune Development for your Baby

Pre and Post Birth Immune Development for your Baby

For the past several decades there has been a significant increase in allergies ranging from food reactions to asthma along with an increase in autoimmune diseases such as Type 1 Diabetes and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This rise has been especially noticeable to parents and paediatricians as the number of children suffering with these issues has increased.