+61 7 3899 9155 oxford@naturopathics.com.au

Paula S from Gumdale

I just have to tell you that I am a living, breathing miracle. I don’t know how I can ever describe the impact that this Naturopathic programme is having on my mental/emotional health. Until someone has lived with constant anxiety and fear and depression, they can never fully appreciate the negative impact it has on everyday life. Every single thing I used to do was conditional. I was such a good actress and everything I did was planned so that I always had ‘safety’ things in place. I could never feel comfortable by myself except in my house (even sometimes not then) and the limits on my life were huge.

Does the whole world realise that I just had a plane trip to cairns and had the best time!!!!!!!! Yes, I travelled on a plane!! I took the kids places at night without Stephen, I drove in an unfamiliar place, I even went out for half a day on my own in a strange place and found what I wanted!!!! Stephen and the kids are ecstatic about my newfound freedom and independence.

Those achievements are honestly so huge for me and things I never ever imagined being able to do. I find every day more things that I do that I realise I forgot to be anxious about! Especially driving places, I can drive day or night now with no panic!!

I have planed a family road trip for January and that is bigger than anything as I have for the last ten years been terrified of the open road, but now it doesn’t bother me.

My mother believes it is her prayers that have created this miracle for me, and I believe her prayers and mine led me back to you. I have not had one panic attack since we started on the correct diet. I am gob smacked at the effect on the mind that this had for so long, and I haven’t even told you half of it.

Once I get a bit further down the road in my recovery I would seriously like to write to ‘A Current Affair’ or Today Tonight with my story (if I have your permission) as I can’t stand the fact that so many people are suffering unnecessarily and could be helped by you or another brilliant naturopath.

I know I still have my sleepiness and PMT issues to sort out, but I feel joy and gratitude in my heart every day and I am just so happy to be living instead of surviving.

Thankyou! Thankyou! Thankyou!

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